BRU NA BOINNE  グリムスモールウォレット
BRU NA BOINNE  グリムスモールウォレット
BRU NA BOINNE  グリムスモールウォレット
BRU NA BOINNE  グリムスモールウォレット

BRU NA BOINNE グリムスモールウォレット

In general, it is difficult to focusFloor leather (fiber surface that peels the silver surface)A wallet with a sturdy and distinctive expression.

It is an attractive item that can be used without labeling and beautiful facial expressions that do not go out with suede or Nubac and Veloa in the world.

It has become a mobile-like smalled wallet with excellent portability.

Color: Green

Size: Free (vertical 9 cm × horizontal 11 cm × Machi 1.5 cm)

Material: Leather