soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance
soe  Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance

soe Concho Belt collaborated With Children of the discordance

가죽을 엮어 만든 벨트.

버클 장식이 아름답고, 정력 기능하고 싶어지는 아이템입니다.

길쌈 된 부분 어디에나 막을 수 있기 때문에, 크기 FREE로 사용하실 한 책입니다.


SIZE : 5 (FREE 사이즈)
벨트 폭 : 3cm
길이 : 118cm (버클 끝에서 가죽 끝까지)
벨트 구멍 : FREE