PALETTE art alive Online Shop complies with the laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, and handles your personal information based on the following policies.

1. Definition of personal information

"Personal information" is information about the individual who survived, and the name contained in the information, the name of the life, etc., the other description, etc., etc., etc., and other information and easy matching It can be such that it can be identified by a specific individual.

2. Collection of personal information

Normal,This shopIf you want to browse any information about your customers, you do not need to enter or disclose, so you can use it freely as anonymously.

However, at the time of member registration and product purchase, please enter your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. at the time of inquiry.

For the purpose of using those information, refer to "About Managing Personal Information" for management for the purpose of using personal information.

When collecting, the purpose of use is specified, and it depends on the legal and fair means.

Personal information collected at this shop is as follows.



・Your phone number

・email address


・Shipping address

・Trading history and its contents with our shop

・Information that certain individuals can identify by combining the above

3. Use of personal information

This shop will use your personal information for the following purposes.

· Confirmation of content and delivery method of order.

· At the time of reply such as inquiry

· As a result of your feedback and questionnaire received from customers, use history etc.

· Holding login information so that the next member login can be easily done.Cookie is used and it is optional to be selected by customers.

· Used if necessary for administration of other sites.

"Providing a third party of personal information"

Our company does not disclose personal information to a third party unless the customer consent. However, it is not the case if it corresponds to the following cases.

· When disclosing personal information to settlement company for identity verification, billing confirmation and credit survey at payment company

・If it is based on laws and regulations, if you need to cooperate against the government's organization or local public organization or the consignment of the local government

・If it is necessary to protect human life, body or property, it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

・When replacing personal data in a company's affiliate that operates this shop

4. Safety management of personal information

Safety management of personal information from customers, the service provider is reasonable, organizationally, physical, human and technical measures, and in our shop, individual handling according to the relevant laws and regulations We strive to prevent dangers such as invading invading data, loss of personal information, tampering, leaks, etc.

5. Correction, deletion of personal information

Please let us know the correction / deletion of personal information entrusted to you by the following inquiries.

6. Using Cookie (Cookies)

This shopBecause you may use cookies (cookies) to provide better service by customers, this can not collect information that can identify individuals, but does not violate your privacy.
Also, if you do not want to accept cookies (cookies), you can change it in the browser settings.
※ Cookie (cookie) is the information that is sent from the server computer to your browser and stored on the hard disk of the computer you are using.

7. Using SSL

When entering personal information, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology for security to ensure security, prevent interruption, interference or tampering.
* SSL is a function of preventing eavesdropping and tampering and transmitting and receiving data by encrypting information. It is possible to send information more safely by using SSL.

8. Contact

9. Change Privacy Policy

In this shop, we will make a change to this page when changing the personal information to be collected, changing the purpose of use, or change the privacy policy.

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